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Law Firm and consultancy company specialized in supporting the internationalization of small, medium and large companies in Chile and abroad.

About Us

L&C Lawyers advises small, medium and large domestic and foreign companies advising on their implementation processes in Chile (Santiago and regions), specializing in corporate, commercial, labor issues, tax and accounting advice, intellectual property and generally those materials that allow the company to have a single management all requirements for an efficient start up and operation of your company and business.

Our Philosophy

Provide personalized service and high-level, committing ourselves to our clients in developing their business and achieve their business objectives. Our partners have extensive experience ensuring the establishment of businesses in Chile and Chile have professional experience in Spain, which undoubtedly reflects the interest and global vision that characterizes the daily work of our office. We are a strategic partner for the company to delegate the legal, accounting, labor and fiscal management, and deal only with managing and growing your business.

Practice Areas

Trade Law

  • Creation of all kinds of companies and other entities at the national level (Corporations, Limited, EIRL, SpA, etc.).
  • Business Accounting.
  • Legal Regime of Foreign Investment.
  • Joint-Ventures and other business association contracts.
  • Labor Law.

Foreign Trade

  • Strategies of foreign trade 
  • Advising in the application of agreements and commercial international in force agreements 
  • Customs regime 
  • Duty-free zones, quotas 
  • Sanitary records and homologations 
  • Means of international settlements and international financing ( acreditivos, electronic banking, etc). 
  • Market Research in Chile and the foreigner (In a association with Ageron Internacional, Spanish consultancy born in 2002 to support companies, associations and institutions in their international expansion processes (exports, investments and establishing abroad), specialized in strategic international consultancy and market intelligence). 
  • Organization of business meetings and trade missions
  • Report and studies

International Legal Consulting

  • Planning & execution of the most suitable corporation structure for the commercial and accountable plans of the company.
  • Incorporation of branches, corporations, limited partnerships, associations, trust and holdings.
  • Intervention and advise in international arbitration proceedings. 
  • Execution of national and international sentences and awards. 
  • Processing green cards

International Trade Law

  • Formation of corporations and other legal entities on an international level
  • National & international agreements
  • International sale & purchase agreements
  • Distribution & agent agreements for abroad
  • Collaboration & association agreements, both national and international
  • Turn key agreements, joint ventures, consortiums and alliances.
  • Transport & logistic agreements
  • FDI
  • Due diligence & legal opinions
  • European law

Our Team

Jaime Luarte Correa

Abogado Socio

Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad del Desarrollo. Abogado titulado en la Corte Suprema de la República de Chile (1999)
• Consultor en internacionalización e implantación de empresas en Chile. Ha asesorado a numerosas empresas, entre otras, un gran número de compañías españolas y de otras nacionalidades en sus procesos de puesta en marcha y funcionamiento en el mercado chileno, especializándose en materias de Comercio Internacional, Gestión Empresarial, Inversión Extranjera, Administración y Representación de Empresas, entre otras materias.
• Máster en Derecho de la Informática por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid ( 2003) y Máster en Relaciones Internacionales y Comercio Exterior por la Escuela Internacional de Negocio Aliter de Madrid ( 2005).
• Diploma de Derecho Aduanero por la Universidad Finis Terrae (2010).
• Certificación como Coach Integral por la Academia Inpact, la ICI (International Association of Coaching-Institute) y por ACC (Asociación Chilena de Coaching).
• Certificación como Coach Ontológico en la Escuela Protagonista de Cambio en Argentina y Certificación como Coach Organizacional por la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
• Trabajó como consultor en el Departamento Internacional de P&A Consultores España en Madrid (2003-2006).
• Trabajó como consultor en el centro de Análisis Documental de la Editorial La Ley (Grupo Wolters Kluwer) en Madrid, España (2003).
• Trabajó como abogado en Montero & Cía. en Santiago (2000-2002) y como procurador y abogado en Gillmore, Salas y asociados en Santiago(1997-2000).
• Fue profesor de Derecho Comercial Internacional, Derecho del Comercio Electrónico, relator en el Diplomado de Gestión del Comercio Exterior de la Escuela de Negocios de ASEXMA Chile y profesor de Derecho Económico en la UBO, además de haber dictado clases de Derecho Aduanero en la UAI (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez).
• Abogado colegiado en el Colegio de Abogados de Chile AG.

Juan Kadis Cifuentes

Abogado Asociado Externo

(Litigios Civiles)

Abogado Universidad Andrés Bello, primera generación año 1989.
• 2001 Magister en derecho público en la Universidad de Chile.
• 2005 Master en Derecho Medio Ambiental por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
• 2006 Magisterial de Derecho Medio Ambiental de la Universidad de Chile.
• Actualmente es abogado litigante y ocupó el cargo de Abogado Integrante de la Ilustrísima Corte de Apelaciones de San Miguel.
• Juan tiene gran experiencia en litigación además de haber trabajado con abogados penalistas en Madrid los años 2003 y 2004 mientras cursaba sus estudios de medio ambiente.

Contadores Auditores



L&C Lawyers and Consultants and their partners, maintain collaborative links with firms, consultants and professionals, national and foreign, which allows us to provide coverage and response to our clients at the national and international level. Among other associations and collaborations we can mention:

The partners of L&C Lawyers are members of the Chilean Bar Association, and therefore, they are subject to its ethical control, which turns into high professional standards and ethical commitment governing our law practice.

L&C Lawyers holds membership to different bilateral Chambers of Commerce in the interest of strengthening ties with business leaders from different countries, and easing their introduction into the national market.

L&C Lawyers holds membership to different bilateral Chambers of Commerce in the interest of strengthening ties with business leaders from different countries, and easing their introduction into the national market.

Contact Us

4 + 12 =

San Sebastián 2812, Oficina 807

Las Condes. Santiago – Chile.

+ 56 2 2334 62 19

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